Custom Menu Magic

Custom Menu Magic
Custom Menu Magic Custom Menu Magic Custom Menu Magic
Product Code: CMM
Availability: In Stock
Price: 40€ 25€
Ex Tax: 25€
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Custom Menu Magic allows you to create multiple menus that can be used as modules or set as main menu instead of default OpenCart menu that consists of categories. Each shop can have its own menu. Each menu consists of desired amount of anchors. Anchors are added into menu using drag and drop system and can be organised into unlimited subtrees. There are several anchor types available: homepage, category, manufacturer, product, specials, search, information, login/logout, account/register, shopping cart, checkout, contact, sitemap, store, custom URL and dummy. Category, manufacturer, product and information type is accompanied by autocomplete field to select required item. Login/logout and account/register change anchors by state of customer (logged in/not logged in) and labels can be separated by semicolon ; (first - not logged, last - logged). Each anchor can be set to be visible fot all customers, logged in customers or not logged in customers and has several other options that can cover all common needs.


User: demo

Password: demo

Supported OpenCart Versions

directory OpenCart version
1.5 1.5.2.x, 1.5.3.x, 1.5.4.x, 1.5.5.x, 1.5.6.x


Always backup your files and database before installing any modification to prevent loosing your data!

  1. Choose directory corresponding to your OpenCart version
  2. Upload files from directory new into root directory of your OpenCart installation via FTP client
    • no files will be overwritten unless you have installed extension with the same filename
  3. Update OpenCart files. There are two ways to do this:
    • use vQmod
      • upload file CustomMenuMagic.xml into vqmod xml directory
    • alter files manually
      • go through all files in directory changed and make corresponding changes in files of your OpenCart installation
      • added, changed or deleted files are marked with text // CUSTOM_MENU
  4. Add texts into your language files
    • extension comes with english language files only. Phrases for any other language need to be added manually
  5. If you use custom template, you have to alter its files manually
    • extension can alter only default template, you have to make corresponding changes in you custom template

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